

Let Me Help You Get The Last STM32 and AMS_OSRAM Information

Guidance for AMS_OSRAM sensor program development and sharing of various C# and STM32 knowledge. Welcome to explore together. We provide additional services such as purchasing completed program development examples and charging for custom development.

What I Do

Committed to being a distributor of STM32 and AMS_OSRAM, with in-depth application development and product analysis research.

I Coach.

The application information of AMS_OSRAM products on the Internet is incomplete, and the official website’s application information is complex and incomplete. If you need more resources, STM32 is currently the MCU used in the majority of the market.

I Offer.

Due to the tight deadline of the urgent project development, it is necessary to have a demonstration of the results. We provide the option to purchase the complete program code for the showcase.

I Support.

Paid project development, information exploration, and technical support development. Follow-up considerations for the whole machine, mechanical conditions, and so on.

Need Advice?

Please feel free to contact us for additional services or further inquiries regarding pricing.

Project sale

Project store, where you can purchase complete development programs and verification UI interfaces for corresponding sensors.

Focus sensor control

Light sensor

Sensing changes and calibration of ambient light conditions.

Position sensor

Sensing changes in position

Motor Driver

Motor control

Image sensor

My Story

A semiconductor factory engineer who started with equipment and process and returned to firmware development. Due to the scattered resources on the Internet and the lack of development project services, I decided to create this platform to share resources and help everyone access more complete resources and accelerate their career transition.

Steven Photo


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