Add Position Controll on MC SDK 5.x
In MC SDK 5.x, there are two control loops, the current loop and the speed (torque) loop. Some applications require the use of a position loop, such as motor control for UAV gimbal or subway gates. This article will explain how to add a simple position loop on top of the existing ST motor control library to enable 3-loop control for improved stability
Theoretical basis
If there is a gearbox motor, a speed loop needs to be added to reach the desired position faster, that is, three-loop control: position loop + speed loop + current loop, and the framework is the same as follows:
Implementation steps
Adding a DAC module to the MCSDK. If the MCU does not have a DAC module, the TIMER+RC filtering circuit can be used to simulate the DAC output. The following diagram shows the configuration for using a DAC, which requires configuring the user-defined DAC1/2.
Add the following variables or functions for position control:
- Position loop PID structure: PID_Handle_t PIDAngleHandle_M1
- Position control structure: Position_Handle_t
- Position error in angle: Position_GetErrorAngle
- Calculation of reference speed for position loop: Position_CalcSpeedReferrence
- Calculation of reference torque for position loop: Position_CalcTorqueReferrence
Refer to mc_position.h and mc_position.c for reference.
mc_task.c file modification
Add DAC output function
Add position control algorithm
In the medium frequency task function TSK_MediumFrequencyTaskM1 in mc_task.c, add position error calculation. Based on the error calculation, if the error is above a threshold, perform speed control, otherwise perform torque control.