C# Float and Double Convert to Hexadecimal
浮點數表達式是計算機內用來表示小數的方法,由IEEE規定組成格式,並用有32 bits單精度(float)與64 bits雙精度(double)的資料型態
浮點數的表達方法主要由4個參數組成,分別是正負符號、尾數(m)、基數(n)、指數(e) :

可以看到右圖,主要Float 與Double不同地方是在尾數存取與指數位精準位數不同,這邊先以Float為範例推演給各位觀看如下圖

Double converter to Hex
double d = 0;
byte[] arr = new byte[9];
d = Convert.ToDouble(textBox4.Text);
arr = BitConverter.GetBytes(d);
label5.Text = BitConverter.ToString(arr);
Float converter to Hex
float result;
if (textBox5.Text != null)
float.TryParse(textBox5.Text.ToString(), out result);
string s1 = BitConverter.ToString(BitConverter.GetBytes(result));
label7.Text = s1;
Hex converter to Float
string s = textBox6.Text;
byte[] arr = new byte[s.Length / 2];
for (int i = 0; i < s.Length / 2; i++)
arr[i] = Convert.ToByte(s.Substring(i * 2, 2), 16);
float f1 = BitConverter.ToSingle(arr, 0);
label8.Text = Convert.ToString(f1);
Hex converter to Double
string hex = textBox3.Text;
long dec = Convert.ToInt64(hex, 16);
var actual = BitConverter.Int64BitsToDouble(dec);
label6.Text = Convert.ToString(actual);

* matrix format:
* size: 32 bits
* bit[0]: +/-
* bit[7:1]: integer
* bit[31:8]: decimal
* max.: 127.9999999
* min.: -127.9999999
Double converter to Hex
private static Boolean encode_matrix(double matrix, ref Byte[] outut_buf)
if ((matrix > MAX_NUM_MATRIX) || (matrix < MIN_NUM_MATRIX))
Console.WriteLine("decode_matrix: matrix data error {matrix}\n");
return false;
string[] str = matrix.ToString().Split('.');
UInt32 buf = 0;
Array.Clear(outut_buf, 0, outut_buf.Length);
if (str[0].IndexOf("-") == 0)
str[0] = str[0].Remove(0, 1);
buf |= 0x80000000;
buf |= (Convert.ToUInt32(str[0]) & 0x0000007F) << 24;
if (str.Length == 2)
if (str[1].Length < 7)
int length = str[1].Length;
for (int i = 0; i < (7 - length); i++)
str[1] = str[1].Insert(str[1].Length, "0");
buf |= Convert.ToUInt32(str[1]) & 0x00FFFFFF;
outut_buf = BitConverter.GetBytes(buf);
return true;
Hex converter to Double
private static Boolean decode_matrix(UInt32 input_buf, ref double matrix)
double buf = (double)(input_buf & 0x00FFFFFF);
UInt32 dec = input_buf & 0x00FFFFFF;
//String str = dec.ToString();
//int dec_count = str.Length;
if (dec != 0)
buf /= 10000000;
buf += (input_buf & 0x7F000000) >> 24;
if ((input_buf & 0x80000000) == 0x80000000)
buf = -(buf);
matrix = buf;
return true;
- gains format:
* size: 16 bits
* bit[0]: +/-
* bit[7:1]: integer
* bit[15:8]: decimal
* max.: 127.99
* min.: -127.99
PS:這邊注意限制輸入格式為XX.XX不能輸入超過小數點後第2位 EX: 1.234這樣輸入會出現資料錯誤
Float converter to Hex
private static Boolean encode_gain(float gain, ref Byte[] outut_buf)
if ((gain > MAX_NUM_GAIN) || (gain < MIN_NUM_GAIN))
Console.WriteLine("encode_gain: gain data error {coefficient}\n");
return false;
string[] str = gain.ToString().Split('.');
UInt16 buf = 0;
Array.Clear(outut_buf, 0, outut_buf.Length);
if (str[0].IndexOf("-") == 0)
str[0] = str[0].Remove(0, 1);
buf |= 0x8000;
buf |= (UInt16)((Convert.ToUInt32(str[0]) & 0x0000007F) << 8);
if (str.Length == 2)
if (str[1].Length < 2)
int length = str[1].Length;
for (int i = 0; i < (2 - length); i++)
str[1] = str[1].Insert(str[1].Length, "0");
buf |= (UInt16)(Convert.ToUInt32(str[1]) & 0x000000FF);
outut_buf = BitConverter.GetBytes(buf);
return true;
Hex converter to Float
private static Boolean decode_gain(Int16 input_buf, ref float gain)
float buf = (float)(input_buf & 0x00FF);
Int16 dec = (short)(input_buf & 0x00FF);
if (dec != 0)
buf /= 100;
buf += (input_buf & 0x7F00) >> 8;
if ((input_buf & 0x8000) == 0x8000)
buf = -(buf);
gain = buf;
return true;