STM32H7-External Loader
Due to the limited support for Flash models in STM32CubeProgrammer, only a partial range of MCU and Flash models can be covered, which cannot fully meet the customer’s needs. Therefore, an external Flash loader can be created using stm32CubeMX. Customers can customize the generation according to their own models. Here, Discovery STM32H750XB is used as a reference to create an External Loader from CubeIDE+CubeMX for use with CubeProgrammer.
STM32CubeMX Setting
Creating QSPI Configuration and Driver Flash Memory

The official code is already provided and can be copied to the designated folder.
Official examples are available for download and can be modified according to the specific needs.

STM32CubeIDE Code motify
Copy the data provided by the official to quadspi.h.

generate stldr file to display information on CubeProgrammer.

Create linker.ld file and generate stldr file to display information on CubeProgrammer.

Configure based on the used FlashMemory.

Generate stldr file with the compiler.

Place the stldr file in a folder that can be accessed by STM32CubeProgrammer.