yj hung

STM32 RTC_Calendar(G0 Series)

RTC introduce Real-Time Clock (RTC) is an independent BCD timer/counter that provides a calendar clock/calendar with programmable alarm interrupt function. The RTC also includes a periodic programmable wake-up flag with interrupt function. Two 32-bit registers contain the seconds, minutes, hours (12 or 24-hour format), day of the week, date, month, and year in Binary-Coded Decimal […]

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Taiwan Stock Selective by Python-1

前言 這邊是透過HaHow學院”Python小資族選股策略”課程彙整出精化資訊,有需要同仁可以透過左邊連結直接購買課程詳細閱讀。 本章節會介紹如何使用python爬蟲下載台股標的,並加工塞選出自己所需股票組合。這邊因台灣還未有免費且完善系統,因此這邊會由一個新手角度帶入,對於台股技術分析等這邊暫時不細部著墨,投資有賺有賠請選擇自己對應能承擔風險之標的,切勿all in避免家破人亡 使用IDE Python:Anaconda 環境配置 Anaconda是一個免費開源的 Python 發行版本,同時也內建了許多進行資料科學(data science)研究時常用的工具。➃ 講了這麼多,其實我也不是聽得很懂到底是什麼意思,只知道免費開源這四個關鍵字。因此第一步,先去 Anaconda 官網下載符合目前電腦的安裝檔。記得要選對安裝檔啊。不知道為什麼,我用的是 windows,但每次點進去,預設的載點都是 macOS 的安裝檔。 獲取財報資訊 首先我們要先看一下財報的網址: http://mops.twse.com.tw/server-java/t164sb01?step=1&CO_ID=1101&SYEAR=2017&SSEASON=3&REPORT_ID=C 在這一串網址中,有幾個重要的元素: 參考

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VL53L0X TOF Sensor Introduction

一、introduction 1、Principle We use a 940nm Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser (VCSEL) to emit laser light, which reflects back when it hits an obstacle and is then received by the VL53L0X. The time it takes for the laser to travel in air is measured to obtain the distance. Knowledge about VCSEL. 2、Parameter 二、HW Connection layout, I2C lines

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QSPI Flash(Quad Serial Peripheral Interface)

QSPI Introduction QSPI stands for Queued Serial Peripheral Interface, an extension of the SPI interface introduced by Motorola. QSPI has wider applications than SPI due to the enhanced functionality provided by Motorola, including the addition of a queued transmission mechanism. This led to the development of the Queued Serial Peripheral Interface Protocol (QSPI protocol) based

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